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Pet Policy

Dogs are not allowed on or near our fields.

All AYSO Region 741 participants agree and understand that NO PET shall be permitted at any AYSO activity or event regardless of venue or location. This policy includes but is not limited to practices, games, picture day, team parties, tournaments, etc. This Policy is consistent with those of neighboring Regions and is in keeping with the AYSO Insurance Policy, which does not cover animal bites or related injuries. Properly registered service animals are generally exempt from this Policy.

You, as the primary player and account registrant, are also responsible for any friends or family members visiting the fields.

Service animals are allowed under the following conditions:

  • ADA in public places: The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to employers, state and local governments and public places.
  •  The law narrowly defines service animals as any dog that is trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a physical or mental disability. 
Thank you for your understanding and support. Please click here for more information from AYSO National.

Jewelry Policy

AYSO National Rules & Regulations
Players' Equipment
  • Team members must wear shinguards that provide a reasonable degree of protection, and that are completely covered by their socks, to participate in any practice or match. The lone exception is sanctioned beach futsal soccer tournament play where players may opt out of wearing shinguards.
  • Team members shall not be allowed to practice or participate in any match with any type of cast or splint. Removal of any type of cast or splint at the field or surrounding area in order to participate shall disqualify the team member from practice or match participation.
  • Players shall not wear anything that is dangerous to either themselves or other players subject to the refereeā€™s approval under Law 4.

  • IFAB/FIFA Laws of the Game State:
    Law 4 - The Players' Equipment
  • A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous.
  • All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed.
  • Using tape to cover jewelry is not permitted.

  • Please adhere to our policies... we only enforce these policies to keep ALL of our players safe.

    Please Respect the Whistle

    Is it okay to challenge or harass the referee?

    NO.... NOT EVER.

    Being vocally critical of the Referee is not allowed at AYSO games -it's not ok for coaches, spectators or players - for any reason - at any time. Referees are VOLUNTEERS who are doing their best to provide a fun and fair experience for our children, and they really don't need spectator assistance. Being a Referee means you are constantly making judgement calls - and it's 100% their call to make.

    It is reasonable to want your child/team to have a great experience. It is not reasonable or helpful for you to 'assist' by shouting at the Referee during a game. It's upsetting to the players, other parents, the volunteer referee, and it DOES NOT HELP. Solution: the Referee Administrator welcomes a discussion of your concerns AFTER the game, in a private setting. Your concerns will be listened to and addressed.

    Tips for Hot Days

    Tips for Hot Days!

    Heat Cramps

    When a body loses too much water and salt through sweat, muscles tend to cramp (particularly in the abdomen and legs). Players suffering from these painful heat cramps should:

    • Rest in a shady spot.
    • Sip one glass of cool water every 15 minutes until the pain relents.
    • If the player's parents are on hand, have them help by:
      • Massaging the affected muscles. 
      • Applying cool, wet cloths to help relax the muscles.

    Heat Exhaustion

    Players with cool, moist, or flushed skin, heavy sweating, headache, nausea, dizziness, or muscle cramps may be experiencing heat exhaustion. This condition occurs when, because of high humidity or restrictive clothing, sweat is not properly evaporated and the body cannot cool down. To assist a player experiencing heat exhaustion:

    • Have the player lie down in a shady spot and elevate his or her feet.
    • Remove the child's shoes, shin guards, and socks.
    • Apply cold packs to the armpit and scalp areas.
    • Have the player drink water or an electrolyte solution.
    • Dampen the player's skin with cool cloths.
    • Fan the player to help evaporate excess sweat.
    • If the player's parents are on hand, have them:
      • Remove the player's shirt.
      • Apply cold packs to the groin area.

    Heat Stroke

    When a body completely loses the ability to cool itself, the internal temperature continues to rise resulting in heat stroke. If a player's temperature rises too quickly, brain damage and/or death may result. Players suffering from heat stroke may have hot, dry skin -- those with fair complexions may appear red, while darker-skinned individuals may appear gray. Victims may also experience a very rapid pulse and extremely high body temperature. In some cases, victims of heat stroke may seem confused, unresponsive, or even suffer from seizures. Recovery from heatstroke depends on the amount of time it takes to return the body temperature to normal, so immediate medical attention is imperative.

    If you suspect that a player is suffering from heat stroke:
    • Call 911 immediately.
    • Follow the recommended treatment for heat exhaustion. 
    • DO NOT attempt to give any liquids.
    • Contact the player's parents.

    Professional soccer players lose seven and a half pounds of sweat during a game. In order to avoid serious heat-induced conditions, players must drink enough fluids to replace that sweat. Every player should carry his or her own sports bottle to practice, and coaches need to stop for drink breaks every 15 minutes during the summer.

    Symptoms of dehydration may include:
    • Dry lips and tongue.
    • Sunken eyes.
    • Dizziness or a loss of energy.

    Contact Us

    Paso Robles AYSO Region 741

    AYSO Region 741, PO Box 3412
    Paso Robles, California 93447

    Email Us: [email protected]